This game really makes you feel like Batman like you're back to playing the Xbox 360.

It's just nice to enter this DC world filled with incredibly horny adaptions of a bunch of different characters, as the game's best aged aspect is easily its immense charm. From the Joker and Harley, to the nice tone changes with Scarecrow, there's just a bunch of variation to enjoy in this really well paced game. The atmosphere of this one is really great too, as the visuals have actually aged surprisingly well.

However, this game's biggest flaw is actually something that's pretty hard to hold against the game, being just how influential it is. It's style of Stealth n' Combat has been adapted various times since its release, and by people who have been able to make improvements, so it does feel a bit archaic.

Still, pretty fun to blast through this one in a couple of days, enjoying the moments where the combat works really well, enjoying the moments of immensely great atmosphere, and, most of all, enjoying the show.

Game #17 of 2024, March 19th

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
