I want to preface what I'm about to say with a simple statement: I like this game.

If you had asked me a few years ago what my favourite game was I likely would have said this one was. What I've come to realise on a 4th (unfinished) run is that, yeah this game is pretty good. My favourite? Not anymore. Peak of the genre? Absolutely not.

Since finishing this game years and years ago I think I've played better games. Games with better stories, games with better music, games with better gampeplay. In some sense I'm glad this game isn't my favourite? I feel like my tastes have grown and developed in the last ten years which is neat.

Not so much a review, just some short feelings. I may come back and add more if I feel like it.

Also, final note: Xenoblade X is better. Fight me.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2022
