Many of this game's problems that many people have are the same problems that plague games like No Man's Sky, Elite: Dangerous, and Star Citizen. In trying to create the grandiosity of space, they have an empty feeling of little content; when this game has tons of it. The repetitive nature of POIs that is exacerbated by the weird RNG for them leaves people feeling that there are few POIs (even though there are a huge variety of them, much more than say, NMS).

But I liked Elite and really liked NMS. And I Ioved this game, since it was basically those but a Bethesda RPG (a formula that they haven't given up on or changed much since at least Daggerfall).

The critiques against this game are completely valid, I feel that the Bethesda formula just doesn't work in space. They should stick to specific regions of land to give all that content in a much smaller but dense open-world.

But hey, I'm just some Bethesda fanboy that just really likes their games. Don't really know if my opinion is valid or not. But, I loved the game either way.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2023
