People seem to not fuck with the platforming in this game due to its quirks, but I personally am all for it. It's like GnG in that you can't really correct your trajectory in mid-air (besides double jump or ground pound), which is definitely different to like 99% of 2D platformers out there.

Personally, I feel like the difficulty is vastly overstated for this game, at least for most of the game.

It's also got that Disgaea charm, aesthetic, and music, which is a bonus!

What I hate is the bosses. A lot of them are just meh while others feel kinda jank (mainly the huge ones). But they all have one thing in common and it's that they require a bullshit amount of mashing the goddamn square button to deal any damage. Prinnies in this game rely on death by a thousand cuts to win, and that means you will mash square a thousand times for every boss.

This is specially true for the final boss, which takes jack shit damage and has a tight 3 minute timer. I died 150 times on that damn boss alone, and it was almost entirely due to me getting sloppy trying to find moments to attack. Because you can't be patient and take your time with that one, you NEED to use every single opening you can to violate your square button if you want have a chance of winning this shit. Personally, I hope the people responsible for the final boss specifically never make an action game again.

Other than the meh bosses and reliance on mashing, I actually quite enjoyed this game. Enough that I will be going back in to (at least try to) go through Asagi's story. It's just that I feel that the final boss shortened the lifespan of my arms and my Vita...

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2023
