I last played this game about 10 years ago, in 2013/early 2014. Yet I remembered very little about it, and replaying it revealed why. Simply put, the way the game is designed makes it hard to remember in the moment, much less over the years. The layout of every level is a fucking pain in the ass (positive connotation), and there are very few landmarks so they blend together and make navigation quite confusing. Add to that the fact that the tower is dark as shit unless you have a Bottle of Light active, and I can see why I only remember enemy designs and nothing about the lay of the land.

With all the weirdness in layouts, design choices, and strange creatures, it's quite a unique game. It really is survival horror King's Field!

But I'd say it overall plays worse than King's Field 1-3, at least what I remember of them (I also haven't played those in 10 years, but I don't plan to replay anytime soon). Bosses suck ass, Hallow Mage can suck my cock for that stupid AoE spam, but the rest of them are just pushovers. Annoying, but pushovers. My biggest complaint is that you have to be bumping into enemies for your melee attacks to hit them at all. I don't know why this was done, considering King's Field 1-3 felt "right" with your weapon's range, but it's annoying.

Still, conquering such an obtuse game and its strange-ass world sure is a uniquely fun time...

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
