This is such a bizzarre crossover. Great roster, with lots of oddball characters like Millennia, Opoona and Nobunyaga Oda, along with the obvious ones like Lu Bu, Ryu Hayabusa and Yukimura Sanada. Honestly love the roster, it has pretty great variety of styles and franchises and characters play pretty differently despite streamlined movesets, though it does suffer from some recency bias. Each playthrough can be short as fuck (a couple hours), so it doesn't overstay its welcome unless you want to keep playing other story routes. The story, however, is rather bland, but nobody cares anyway, it's a solid excuse plot which is all you need. I also wished the game used the generic furry enemies way less and used the enemies from represented IPs more (specially because they already do have a pretty good selection in the game). The soundtrack is fantastic too, the remixes of Atelier Totori's battle themes are fucking amazing in particular. Honestly overall the best Musou I've played and the only one I kept coming back to for more constantly, playing over 90 hours in total.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2020
