It's a good and unique enough game. The concept of a detective having to investigate his own murder as a ghost was immediately interesting to me, so I had to check it out. Game is fairly short, I got the plat in two days and most of the time was spent hunting down the over 200+ collectibles (which all provide some backstory to the town and characters, so they're nice). Aside from collectibles, though, there's little to do aside from the story, as there's only 4 side investigations which take no time at all to complete. Wish there had been more of those. The town of Salem can also be confusing to traverse and there's no in-game map to help.

The gameplay itself is nothing amazing, basically being a point and click game with a few stealth sections every now and then, it's about what you'd expect but there's nothing wrong with that. It is, however, rather easy, with little challenge both for investigation and stealth.

Anyway, I found the main story and characters to all be pretty good, though the ending felt oddly anticlimactic for some reason. The game is also fairly atmospheric, though not as creepy as it could potentially be. Graphics are pretty good too, and I like the game's aesthetics (the main character's design was one of the things that drew me in tbh) but the PS3 version I played suffers from a low rendering resolution, which causes some odd pixelation, and some blurry textures, though most cutscenes seem to be pre-rendered and look great despite some compression artifacts at times.

It's an easy game to recommend if the concept interests you, as its probably easy to get for cheap on all platforms nowadays and is not gonna take up too much of your time. Most negative reception seems to be from people that got it at full price and were disappointed in its length and/or difficulty. I went into it with those "flaws" in mind and ended up really enjoying my time with it.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2020
