Sidelining Clem for a new protagonist and cast of characters is such a fucking stupid decision, it's honestly ballsy. I can't help but respect it. But unless you start with this season or are insane, Clem being a secondary character will color your choices in a way that makes no sense for Javier, the new protagonist. Here I am making Javier put this random new girl he just met over the family he has been with all along, because I've known Clem for two whole seasons and only just met Javier's family. So yeah, ballsy choice from the writers but it's a mistake for me.

Regardless though, I do like the new characters, maybe even more than most of the S2 cast for some reason. They gave me less reasons to mentally say "fuck YOU". Usually at least. Tripp is my bro. But sometimes the characters behaved in ways that felt forced, like the writers forgot what they were doing with the characters before certain scenes or couldn't find a way to sensibly play off the player's choices. Which also kinda makes this season feel like it cares way less about your choices than past ones.

The other big gripe with this season is just how damn short it is. It's even shorter than S2. At least they do this whole flashback thing to help us get to know characters better in its short playtime, which might be why I liked some of the cast more than a chunk of S2's.

I still really enjoyed it overall, but definitely not as good as S1 and it doesn't reach S2's highs either. Would give it 3.75/5 if I could but y'know.

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2022
