The best looking LEGO bricks???? Charming little puzzle game. The controls are very janky and finnicky (PC with mouse), which is pretty much the only big gripe I have with it other than it being rather easy. Was a nice break from the usual games, though, so I'm glad it was short. I just think it's neat.

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2022


1 year ago

Give BrickTales a try, it's another one with cool LEGO building stuff. I really gotta get to this game sometime though

1 year ago

Bricktales sounded great and I didn't hear people complain about its controls like I did for this one, so that's interesting already lol. Been wanting to get that one since it came out. Do run this when you can tho, game's like 2-3 hours long so it won't take you much.

1 year ago

for sure, it's been in my Steam library for a minute but I wanted to try Bricktales first cause it was a 2022 game