Was fun when I was a kid back in WotLK and Cataclsym, but after playing it for a couple days in 2022...... I knew the game was long past it's prime.

I want to go on something more thrilling than <ride name>.
<Ride name> looks too intense for me!

into the 1-tile lake you go.

the people that made the menus for this retro game collection did not need to go that hard... but they did. respect.

What if roguelike, but piece of shit?

surprisingly relaxing game that's just plain unfun on any harder difficulties.

game was fun but incredibly p2w. every now and then i still set my steam profile background to the one background i got from crafting a badge for this game.

this game was dead in 2014. fun concept though.

i got into fights with my friend over this game

this was made with a lot of love but man it's pretty jank

dude this game is actually GOATed. i swear i'm not blinded by nostalgia. it's actually sick as fuck. it's got a weird learning curve to it that feels suuuuper satisfying once you figure everything out.

the mic on my first DS didn't work so i was hard stuck on Mike's level... then my mom bought herself (me) a new DS so i could finish the game. i love you mom.

this blew my fucking mind back in the day