This is one of the best 3DS games ever made. There is so much thats great about this game. First of all, the gameplay. I think it's mostly really well designed, braving and defaulting allows you to play either really fast or really slow depending on the enemy. Play carefully and default or spam brave points and nuke everything, the game encourages each play style. The job system also encourages you to play how you want. This has like over 20 jobs, each job is very unique and most are viable to play as. There are dozens of party configurations, and different strategies, this allows you to play how you want. This also makes it so if you fight a boss you a struggling against a change in job strategy will most likely help you beat it rather than grind. Dungeon design is kinda boring, it's better than the first game since it has more gimmicks like the mist area that gives different status buffs per area, but mainly it's just basic corridor sections you run around in with random encounters. Also another mild criticism is that I feel like the game is a tad too easy. The graphics for a 3DS game a pretty great, I love the hand drawn backgrounds, it makes it feel like a story book almost. The music is damn good since it's Square Enix. The story is really interesting. The game is very cheesy with it's story, like a lot of characters are one note tropes, and a lot of characters can't be taken seriously. However I feel like this makes it charming when paired with the serious nature of the game when it comes to the world and it's politics. The cast is spectacular, really well balanced. They all bounce off eachother really well, Tiz is way more interesting than in the first game. Edea is Edea so she's awesome, Yew's growth throughout the game and his underdog attitude is endering, and Magnolia is funny and kind. I would say it has a better cast than the first game. The story for the first 3/4s is great since it tackles Yews past, the villains and their motivations, the politics of the Church and the state, and the sins of your forefathers. It's really interesting world building. Then the last 1/4 happens... This is where the game reaches peak fiction moments, like the first game towards the end it gets meta, like really meta. But it takes it up to another level. Not gonna spoil anything but I was amazed at the final boss. So overall, for a 3DS game it's pretty incredible and worthy of your time. A worthy sequel to the first game.

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2021
