I have to say I am pleasantly surprised with how good this game ended up being for me. I honestly thought it would be inferior to the first two games, but it far surpassed them in most ways.

In my opinion, this has the best turn based combat ever crafted. It's even better than any Atlus game I've ever played, which is a monumental achievement. Every single boss fight is incredibly challenging and fun, you have to change strategies constantly. You cannot rely on the same strategy to win, forcing you to change up jobs constantly keeps the battle system incredibly fresh. The final boss from a gameplay perspective a culmination of this, it provided one of the best final boss challenges ever for me.

The music is frankly incredible, the battle themes, character themes, town themes are so good. And the final boss theme is the peakest of all time!

The art style is... Mixed at best. The hand drawn town areas look stunning, and a lot of dungeons like the volcano dungeon look great, or the snow area looks great. But the grasslands overworld looks terrible. Character models are very charming, but they are limited in the movements and expressions they can make during cutscenes so they hinder the story telling.

The most contested thing about this game is the story though. A lot seem to think the story is bad compared to the first two games. I massively disagree with this. I agree the main cast isn't as good, but I still think they still offer a unique dynamic, and are still well written enough. The world building is really good in this game, seeing the political struggles in Savalon or the crazy ass cult in Rimedhal provided interesting mysteries to unravel for me. The main villain of Holograd was a lacking a little compared to the Templar of the first game, but most of the other villains were fire. The first 5 or so hours are a little slow, but this criticism applies to all the games in my opinion.

Finally, I want to hit on the criticism on here of "where is the meta content". And I have to say, I have no idea why people are asking this since it clearly is in the game. It's not in your face like the first two games, but it is heavily hinted at. The implications of what the final boss is blew my mind when I figured it out. This game I think serves as a set up to Bravely Third where I think this meta storytelling will be explicitly revealed. I understand how you could miss the clues though.

Overall, I never expected this game to be this good. It in fact elevated the first two games for me as a good sequel should do. It may have a mixed art style, a slow start and have a mediocre English dub (I switched to Japanese lol), but it makes up for it's shortcomings in strong ways.

Well done Square, you win this time.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2022


2 years ago

Amazing review!!!
I’m thinking about buying the first two games which are on 3DS, are they worth it? And is there an order or it doesn’t matter?

2 years ago

Yeah for sure they are worth buying, Bravely Second is a direct sequel to the first game so play Bravely Second after the first game. Hope you enjoy man