I will never forget the fun I've had with Overwatch. My best friend introduced me to it. Over the years, I occasionally played some matches with him and as long as we stayed in casual modes, it was a blast. Later on, the insane amount of characters decreased my enjoyment considerably with insta kill abilities and op character combinations, but I wasn't playing to win anyways. I was playing casually.

Competitive rounds are a completely different story though. Since my friend was really obsessed with Overwatch, of course he played a lot of comp. So after some time, he asked me to join comp matches as well. I lost so many rounds because I was super stressed. Turns out, I really dislike playing games competitively. I remember one day in particular where I lost like ten games back to back. It completely ruined my day. And if a game mode ruins your day, it's probably a sign to stop playing it. I went back to casual and the simple fun was back on!

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
