excellent survival game, the presentation when talking about the art direction and sound design is amazing, the fact that the world is hand crafted rather than just slapping random generation aspects to it was fresh and memorable especially for this genre, straightforward survival and building mechanics means that all players can pick up and play this very easily, the progression especially is addicting and rewarding, reminds me of Terraria in how it guides you naturally to each goal and the game always keeps introducing something new even when the game loses the steam near the endgame.

it's genuinely terrifying though, if you have Thalassophia like me be prepared, the game is really beautiful though so I was entertained even when getting that extreme anxiety during those Leviathan encounters or the general empty and dark ambience.

the story is fine, the way it's presented encourage exploration and discovery but if you are looking towards an deep and thoughoutful narrative this is certainly not the focus that this game aims to achieve, I heard that Below Zero puts more emphasis on the story so let's see how it goes.

highly recommend giving it a chance, it's an unique and memorable survival game.

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2023
