this is probably the worst 3D GTA game, the missions are incredibly difficult during the later stages of the game, most of the time you will get blasted or your vehicle will simply explode out of nowhere without any reason by the shotgun grunts, the missions themselves are also very repetitive, drive to point A to B during 10 hours or so.

the gunplay and driving are clunky as hell, just an shore to play for long hours.

one thing that I appreciate here though is how alive the open-world is, it was very impressive back in 2001 and it is still impressive even today, the amount of cars and people wandering the streets is very interesting considering the time not to mention the variety between vehicles, the soundtrack in both the radio stations and original to the game is also great.

I will not talk much about this Remaster since most people probably know most of the issues that this has, the updated visuals and lighting, new quality of life features such as the new map screen, GPS navigation and weapon wheels are all solid but yeah it absolutely butchers the original atmosphere and visual effects the original had, it's an fine way to play it but I will say to grab this on PC since there are lots of mods that fixes most of the issues.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
