very cool survival horror/adventure classic.

the gameplay is rather simple yet very engaging, the protagonist have three meters that the player can manage, the first one is Daniel's Health, the second is Sanity, and the last one is your Lamp's oil that you can turn it on in order to see in darker places by far your most needed tool to get through the game.

the game features this Sanity mechanic which you need to take a look on it sometimes, Daniel's sanity can lower if you are in dark for too long, witness disturbing events or just by looking in the direction of the Monsters that lurks in the Castle. if the Sanity meter is too low Daniel will start to see hallucinations or just straight up creppy sounds around him not to mention Cockroaches running across the screen during a withdrawl of Sanity. the only way the player can restore Sanity is by progressing through the level and solving puzzles or picking it up an Key item you need to solve something during the level, once the player meet these conditions the screen will quickly turn blue and Daniel's Sanity will be restored to a limit.

another aspect on Amnesia's gameplay is the physics interaction, the player can pick up nearly every object in the game and he can throw them or just examine around in order to find hidden items. another interesting thing about this is the Doors, closets or wardrobres which the player can also interact in a very cool manner by using the Mouse to push them in order to find items or just hide of nearby Monsters. the same goes to puzzle items such as Valves or levers that the player can also interact in a very satisfying manner.

speaking about the Puzzles although they are very creative and interesting unfortunely the game features an very cryptic progression throughout especially near the end of the game where you need to pick up a LOT of items and backtrack quite often.

presentation-wise Amnesia holds up very well even for a 2010 game, the atmosphere is top notch, the sound-design is also very cool and the overall ambience and world-building on Brennenburg Castle is amazing.

speaking about the story it is very interesting, the game features aspects with Cosmic Horror themes with an alien artifact involved during the main story and an supernatural being infesting the Castle, the narrative is mainly presented by notes or memories that present back-story to the player without offering too much exposition. unfortunely the game ends in a very abrupt way with a "boss-fight" that is easily solved and not much of a threat anyways.

overall I really enjoyed my time with Amnesia, looking forward to the sequels and Frictional's other works!

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2022
