fantastic way to end Mass Effect.

the gameplay has since been perfected with every installment after an much needed improvement coming from ME1 and in ME3 is the culmination of the combat-system thus far, the cover-system mechanics are much better, weapons are satisfying to shoot and there is an distinct variety between them, skills are more easier to trigger and all of the Squadmates are more capable in battle.

the other mechanics in the gameplay notably the customization and RPG mechanics are much better than in ME2, grinding is no longer required to upgrade stuff, weapon mods are back, plenty of armor customization and Skills to choose from.

the visuals and world-building is great as ever, the soundtrack is one of the best that I heard in a game.

the storyline does an great job to wrap up the number of arcs since the beginning of the trilogy especially if you are using an imported Shepard from the previous games, the dialogue is still great and all the characters and relationships are better than ever.

there are some faults in the storyline though notably on how Cerberus and the ending was handled.

overall ME3 for me was an notable improvement after ME2 in almost every area with maybe the only expections being some of the storylines and choice-making potential.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2022
