an excellent Remake, it's really amazing on how a 24 year old game is an masterclass in nearly every regard when compared to most modern day titles out there, from the level-design, brilliant soundtrack and pacing, perfect translation of the series's mechanics to an 3D perspective, innovative mechanics with the Z-Targeting and so on.

this Remake is easily the best version of the game, butter solid framerate, UI is more easier to navigate, improved visuals while maintaining the feel of the original's art-style, Gyro aiming, much needed improvements on the infamous Water Temple and the inclusion of Master Quest mode if you want a new challenge after finishing the game.

it has some rough edges when looking back after playing future 3D Zelda games like the empty and boring overworld or the simplistic combat for example but honestly it's nothing too harsh when comparing to it's greatests strengths.

overall one of the best games ever made and I don't think it will age at some point, the Remake is fantastic and is by far the definitive way to play it especially if you are looking to get in the series as an entry point.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2023
