an addicting and charming roguelike/base builder, the whole gameplay loop of dungeon crawling and building your cult stronghold is engaging and satisfying although the shallow and simplistic combat system can be an issue.

the presentation and themes are also very creative and interesting.

unfortunely the game doesn't perform too well on the Switch, it's playable and from what I heard it was wayyy worse last year when this first released but it still have some issues with stutters, long loading times and of course the 30 FPS cap.

it's also not as challenging compared to other roguelikes though especially if you already played similar games such as Hades or the Binding of Isaac, I finished the whole game in 10 hours without much of an sweat even in the Hard difficulty, it can be an solid first game in the genre if you didn't played any roguelikes and the base building aspects can even cather to other audiences, overall an good game that I throughly enjoyed playing.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
