This was the first survival horror game I've ever played, unless you want to count Insaniquarium Deluxe, but what an amazing introduction to the genre. The aesthetic and character designs present in this game are so peak, and they are only propelled further by the story. Having played on keyboard and mouse on the highest difficulty, it felt just right - tho I can imagine the gunplay being even more tense on an analog stick. The menuing is very fluid, and I really didn't experience any issues with the inventory limitation of 6. It added to the fear, as often I had to leave weapons or healing behind and leave myself more vulnerable than I otherwise would have to. With proper management, I would have to leave behind some ammo every now and then, but I never felt the need to ferry items around. Especially since I conserved so much ammo given that enemies are extremely resilient on Survival. The puzzles which make up a large majority of the game feel satisfying and fun. Overall this game is an indie gem in the sea of bland walking simulators that plague the horror genre today.

I wish that the 1.2 patch provided separate options for flashlight and eidetic module inventory space. I think the flashlight should take up inventory space, but the eidetic module shouldn't as it encourages the player to just use external options.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

“walking simulators that plague the horror genre today” ermmmm tgat just happened play a real fucking game like slender, or the blair witch project. dont talk on bloober like that.