Resident Evil 4 is amazing. It's a pretty big shift from having just played Signalis, being much more linear and action based with extremely simple puzzles. Looking into the rest of the series, as this is my first Resident Evil game, I've learned this is a turning point in the series for those same reasons. I really love the old tank controls and shooting mechanics introduced in this game. They're really charming, and the awkwardness in getting used to them can ramp up tense situations. However, they become pretty comfy and satisfying once you get used to them. The management of supplies is really enjoyable and encourages you to be as resourceful as possible to conserve ammo and health amidst the hordes of enemies the game throws at you. This game does horror really well, and while a part of me wishes there was more of it, I appreciate it being well spread out between more action-based segments as to not wear out the player. Ashley isn't with you for too much of the game, but I found the parts where she is enjoyable. She gives you another thing to manage and those parts are among the more exciting ones in the game. While long at around 16 hours for a playthrough, the game is really well paced and I enjoyed the narrative thoroughly. Playing the previous games is not necessary to appreciate RE4's story. I really love Leon, he's just exactly what I wanted from the character. Little silly quips and stuff to break the tension every now and then. Graphics hold up really well for its age, and the sound design is peak - especially the music. One of the most solid and cohesive gaming experiences I've ever had.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2023
