The first game I played on the 360 and still one of the best. Making a sequel to the original 2 fallout games on console was always going to be a challenge, transitioning from isometric RPG to a first person rpg shooter hybrid while still creating a weird but believable wasteland surely couldnt work. But my god it does. Using the same engine as the excellent Oblivion, Besthesda created a wonderful world to explore, full of interesting events, characters and some easter eggs. The first sequence of missions is one of my favourites in video game history. Waking up as a member of a vault, an underground community where humans moved to hide from the atom bomb, you start the game as a bady crawling around your room.The game holds your hand as you explore life in a vault and get used to the controls and wonderful progression system, before disaster strikes and you are thrust out of the vault into the iradiated wasteland. The balance of the interesting weapons and combat of FPS games mixed with the dialouge, quests and interesting progression system of an RPG works extremely well, and keeps you wanting to play just 10 mins minutes. It's not a perfect game. The main storyline is pretty bland compared to some of the sidequests and it suffers from a bunch of bugs and crashes. Fortunately, playing on the series X with backwards compatibility solves half of these problems. It's a bit of a tossup between this and Fallout new vegas to me, and perhaps its horrible DLC (not all of it) let it down, but it really is a must own game.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
