I love a good release title, and PGR 3 might just be the best of the bunch. Of course, to PGR fans this was absolutely no surprise, the previous two entries were both excellent too. But if you compare this with other early release racers on the console, it's really quite impressive. The game uses a Kudos system, which gives you points for finishing races with style. Racking up Kudos is difficult but fun. The most notable thing though about this game is the locations. The races take place in 4 major city hubs, London, Tokyo, Manhatten and Las Vegas, as well as the famous Nurburgring. These locataions look excellent and give the game a great atmosphere. Racing down the narrow streets of London in the twighlight or an early morning cruise down the Vegas strip, each race feels totally different, all the tracks are a joy to race on. The cars themselves handle well, as they straddle the line between the arcade and simulation racing. You quickly find that taking a corner too fast or smashing into an opponent will leave you at the back of the pack, and its difficult to catch up without some skills. However, you don't need to worry about changing the suspension or buying a new engine for your car. It's simple and it works well. The variety of the races is great too. There are standard races, one on ones, elimination races, hot laps, Kudos challenges, the list goes on. Additionally, each race has 5 different difficulties for you to attempt. There are a few things which could be improved. The career is a little short and a few more locations would be nice. Yet, its hard to not be impressed by this one, especially as we approach it's 20th birthday. A must play.

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023
