The 360 era was a time of taking classic game franchises and dumbing them down for the console generation. This wasn't always a bad thing. Fallout 3 and NV are great examples of it actually working really well. The truth is some game types are better left on the PC with a mouse and keyboard. Shadowrun maybe epitomises this more than any other game on the console, with the cyberpunk strategy rpg story based game becoming, yes you guessed it, a multiplayer online shooter. If this isn't disappointing, then I don't know what is. So was it a complete disaster? Well not really. It is a fairly decent online shooter with some interesting mechanics which is still populated to this day. You can select from different races of characters with different skills and battle in team based first person fun, with all the standard modes like capture the flag and team deathmatch. The respawn system is quite cool. If you die a teammate can respawn you, but if they then die, you will die with them. It's a nice mechanic which adds to the complexity of a game. You can also pay to buy certain skills like summoning monsters to help you. It's quite unique and feels like a 2007 version of overwatch. With that being said, at some point people will stop playing online, and then we will be left with effectively a bot shooter. Don't get me wrong, including bots is a great idea and all multiplayer games should include them. But it's not really the same. The game's single player is basically a tutorial mode. It is cool to see this weird fantasy style multiplayer shooter with spells and abilities, but it's a shame that at some point this will be obsolete. For that reason I probably can't recommend it. Bonus points for the ace box art though.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023
