I'm probably a little harsh on a lot of sports titles on the console for a number of reasons. First of all, there's millions of them. If you want an NCAA football title, you have 7 to choose from and you don't need them all. Secondly, they are fairly niche. If you don't like cricket, you probably don't want to play any of the cricket games. So for a series like NCAA football, you probably only need to have one of them in your collection and it's not NCAA 08. Now does that make NCAA 08 a bad game? No, it's still pretty decent. I like the NCAA series because of the interesting game modes they have. It's fun playing as a high school student and trying to make it into the NFL. It's fun taking control of a college programme for a few years and recruiting players. The thing about the NCAA football series is that they get better each time. While 08 is still a decent game, (07 is the only bad one in my opinion), aside from it being cheaper, there is no real reason to pick this up.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
