One of the rarer disk releases on the console, Kick Ass 2 is a movie tie in game released exclusively in the EU on the console. This one slipped though the cracks and luckily most people are unaware this game even exists. For those with the misfortune of stumbling across a copy, which is unlikely as this thing is rare and expensive, a common theme appears, boredom and repetition. So what happened with this? Well, despite Kick Ass being a fairly popular movie, the EU only release late in the consoles cycle, paired with the publishers being UIG entertainment (makers of the woeful Young Justace and Bloodbath), it was doomed to fail. This should be no surprise to anyone who has played UIG entertainments games, my console still has nightmare about the equally horrible Young Justace Legacy, but i'll try to do a quick run down as to why it sucks so much. The biggest issue is the extremely repetitive gameplay. Levels consist of you fighting groups of the same enemies, mashing the same buttons again and again. Think Dynasty Warriors but with even worse graphics played with an unresponsive Madcatz n64 controller. It's one of the more frustrating games in terms of controls and it's unresponsiveness is a real test of patience. That is really all there is to the game. There's no powerups, no progression or levelling and no new moves or upgrades. There are a few basically unmissable collectables to "find" but they hardly make any impact on huge number of areas fighting those 4 dudes of all dress the same. The story and dialogue might keep you entertained in a so bad it's good sort of way. For whatever reason they have chosen someone with a heavy eastern European accent to do the voice for Kick Ass. It really adds to the lackluster story and horrible dialogue in the game. It's not worth buying it to hear that though, just look it up online, but it's still very weird. It's genuinely one of the worst games on the console and that is the only reason I could see someone wanting to pick this up.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
