As humans, we all have an innate bias, preferences which differentiate us from others. This holds true for games and Perfect Dark Zero ticks so many boxes of dumb shit in games that I enjoy. Horribly cheesy dialogue and voice acting. Futuristic space city setting. Dated FPS game design. It's all here in its 2005 glory. The rise of boomer shooters and the throw back to early and mid 90s FPS games has got me hoping there is a mid 00s shooter revival at some point and PDZ is an absolute classic of that genre - whatever we want to call it? A sequel to the N64 classic, PDZ was actually a launch title for the console and was pretty hyped up. Unfortunately, it didn't really live up to the lofty expectations set by how good the first Perfect Dark game was. Everyone enjoyed the multiplayer, which was a blast. The campaign itself wasn't as well recieved though. It's easy to see why. With it's cycle of development hell, by the time the game released it looked bad and felt dated. People were expected some incredible next gen FPS masterpiece, and what they got was a pretty decent short FPS campaign which felt like an original xbox game. Yet, playing this game in 2024 I had so much fun with it. The short campaign is a total blast. The first thing I really dig about this game is the replayability. Like the original game, each mission gives you different objectives depending on the level of difficulty. These add a lot of variety to the levels and make some of them quite challenging. I particularly remember a mission which involved stealing an enemy radio and convincing the enemy to turn off communications and open a door. Every time you make a mistake a flood of enemies attack you, which at higher difficulties is really rough. There's also coop throughout the campaign which works pretty well. The excellent selection of weapons is also back with loads of cool stuff like the laptop turret gun. Each gun has a secondary fire mode which normally does something pretty cool and means it's really exciting finding a new weapon. Yes, all the weapons sound totally shit and the enemies react in a comical Goldeneye style way. Yet,, but this adds to the charm more than anything. It's an ugly and extremely dumb game, but the 2005 vibe is very charming. If you like clunky dated FPS games (just me?), you will love this.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
