Indigo Park is a game made of passion and love, and I dig that!
But this game was just a chore to play, I'm sorry to say. Indigo Park just feels like a mish-mash of every Mascot Horror in the market right now; it is a giant nothing burger.
The gameplay is mediocre and is just a bunch of walking around until something, anything happens. The gameplay is kind of like Ruin and Poppy Playtime in a way, except instead of getting a cool mechanic that spices things up like the Vanny Mask or the hand gadget thing from Poppy, you get a wristband that... opens doors. Which was really lame to see; I was hoping the wristband would do something, yknow, exciting!! But all it does the entire game is open doors, which makes me beg the question, why even have a gameplay gimmick for something so minuscule? I really do hope this wristband gets expanded upon in further chapters because as of right now? It's probably the lamest gameplay gimmick mechanic in any Mascot Horror... like ever, lol.
The puzzles as well are not really the best, all of the puzzles except for one consist of "ok you see this big thing you gotta find two thingies to put it into that thing, and then you win," and those two thingies are just on the floor next to the big thing, it's really lame, yet they spam that throughout the story, and I can't help but feel they only did that to pad out the game more, LMAO. There is one slightly cool puzzle at the very end of the game where you have to go through a tiny maze(?) to find coloured shapes, then when you get to the end, you have to put in the shapes those colours were to open a door. But in that puzzle, there's kinda no tension? Nothing chases you and nothing is threatening you at all, so it all just feels like a giant chore to complete.
The marketable characters are kind of... ehhh... I like Rambley a LOT, he's super adorable and whimsy and funny. He's really really cool. But the others are kinda lame. Like Lloyd the Lion and that fucking bird that I hate, there's nothing scary about them. Their designs are just simple anthro birds and lions but with black eyes and blood around their face, that's not scary that's just kinda stupid. Their jumpscares, too, are also kinda stupid! They do that thing that every Mascot Horror does for some reason where you open a door and, uh oh, the fucking bird that I hate is staring at me across this long hallway and then disappears around the corner. It was cool the first time, but now it's getting really repetitive and boring, let's be fr. Hell, it even gets repetitive in this very game; I'm pretty sure they do this scare like five different times?? It's so dumb.
The chase at the end was alright, I suppose, but I couldn't help but just think that this felt way too similar to Huggy Wuggy's chase at the end of Poppy Chapter 1. Seeing that fucking bird that I hate's head get chopped off clean by the door closing was sick tho.
The graphics were BEAUTIFUL, at the very least. I think this game is the BEST-looking Mascot Horror out there, so kudos to them. Although the optimization isn't THAT great, it's not BanBan levels of bad optimization, but it wasn't really good.
Overall, ehhh, it's a game? Not very good, not very bad. It tries, and I can see that it tries, especially with those beautiful graphics and the amazing character exchange. But graphics and writing can't save a game from unoriginal and lazy gameplay.

Gameplay - 5/10
Presentation - 8.5/10
Music/SFX - 4.5/10
Story/Writing - 2/10
-- Overall - 5/10 --

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
