For a free game, Rong Rong's "Ann" deserves more recognition and kudos for what it offers.

"Ann" is the story of a lonely art student, Ann, who gets trapped in her school after falling asleep working on her final project. The school is haunted, cursed, and it desires a new soul to add to its ranks.

As Ann makes her way through this tower of terror, she encounters a friendly Security Guard, as well as some playful (yet dangerous) ghosts possessing all sorts of inanimate objects.

Will you discover the mystery behind the curse on this school?

I played "Ann" for about an hour and a half via mouse and keyboard. The controls are very simple, but the puzzles and chase sequences proved challenging. Try, try, try again is the only strategy one can incorporate in a game such as this.

There are cutscenes in this game, and they're very well done! Fully animated cutscenes with artwork that nearly made me jump out of my seat more than a few times! I truly enjoyed these animated sequences, well done to the animation team.

"Ann" is a free game, but it provides so much more than most free games out there. I will definitely be checking out Rong Rong's games in the future. Please, give this game a try and spread the word!

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
