So, I played Okami during the summer, stopped because I got back into reading during my spare time, then decided to resume gaming last week. Unfortunately, my Wii isn't reading discs (this is the second Wii by the way), so I had to put aside Okami for the time being.

I decided to check out this game since I occasionally watch Thomas Brush's videos and wanted to support his work. Overall, I enjoyed this game. It's a fun, cute platformer with some interesting puzzle-platforming mechanics. I love the art style and the Burton-esque, Babadook tone is cool. I think the enemies are a bit lackluster, especially the boss battles which aren't that challenging. The game is pretty short too, but I understand this was made with a very small team. Also, it's a captivating story which isn't common for platformers.

Best Parts:
• Haunted house
• Tony Hawk Pro Skater
• The puzzle where you have to know the guy's middle name

Replay it? - Probably

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2021
