A beautiful game with a super fun & satisfying combat system and a really fun world to explore but a story that is a bit undercooked.

The story has some charming characters, cool moments and great ideas but not all of them are explored as much as they should have been. The narrative takes a backseat for a majority of the game as the first half (or 3/4) focusses entirely on the worldbuilding and lore through the exploration and sidequests. Because of this, the world is really interesting and serves as a great setting but the story told within that world left me wanting a bit more...
It's not bad by any means. It's entertaining and interesting enough to get the job done, and it even has some interesting twists, but it's clear that their focus was on creating a fun gameplay experience. And they definitely didn't disappoint in that regard.

The combat is a satisfying level of challenging, there's a good feeling of progression, the costumization is really neat, the exploration feels natural & rewarding, the world doesn't feel bloated and the linear dungeons change up the gameplay nicely. The atmosphere is also incredible as this game looks beautiful and the OST is on point.

So even if the story wasnt perfect, the game was just so much fun to play through and so much fun to complete!

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
