Boy I haven't been this disappointed in a game in a while. No one to blame but myself, I guess, but I really assumed there would be <i>something</i> else going on here. I assumed that this was like, a puzzle game or something and that all the (iconic) narrative shenanigans were layered on top of that base, a la Portal. But no, no, there's not really a game here at all. It's <i>just</i> the narrative shenanigans, which are pretty neat for a few minutes but I imagine would have been way more cool if the entire concept of the game wasn't already sort of out there in the public consciousness.

Instead, it's just a bunch of short stories built upon branching narrative paths but when there are so many of them, it just gets kind of tedious to replay the opening stages of them again and again. I'm sort of shocked that there's not an option to just skip to the branch.

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2024
