Daxter is a personally unique game in that it was the one and only PSP game i ever had. Loved it as a kid but how does it hold up now that i'm an adult who has developed taste?

...I think Daxter is like the most mid game i've ever played. It's not amazing but it's not awful either but it's just right in the middle. Like dead center. Which in some ways makes it worse.

The best way i can describe this game is that it simply exists. Almost everything in this game simply happens. Level design is whatever but they occasionally put in some new ideas so things don't get stale. But levels are simply just things you do. Maybe this isn't making a whole lot of sense but usually in good platformers, every level feels like it's own mini-adventure and it feels great to beat them. In Daxter, levels simply start and they simply end. There is no fanfare and the soundtrack is extremely forgettable and the overworld is devoid of any life. At least the combat's nice, if basic.

Even the story is simply just something that happens and complaining about the plot in a platformer feels strange but everything you're doing in this game up until the end is completely disconnected from the original goal. Daxter says he'll save Jak and then just fucks around for two years. He literally ignored the main plot because of sidequests.

This is the only Jak & Daxter game i've played (that's a lie, i played Jak X once) and it is a spin-off so it's not like i'll judge the series with this game. But man, sometimes games really are better when you're just a little kid who simply likes things.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2022
