Deus Ex-style shooter/rpg/immersive sim. The guns are fun and I like the style/setting, but it doesn’t always stick the landing imo. Most of the game is just running around massive, repetitive maps while dealing with infinitely respawning enemies and trying to figure out how to complete the kinda vague objectives you’re given. The story is completely ruined by the translation and has some big issues even disregarding that. Still I did play it three times over to get the true ending and had a good time through most of it, and I’d say I had a good time through most of it. The weapons are crazy fun, the world is cool, and eventually you get into a nice flow state while replaying it. The last (non secret) level still SUCKS though. I haven't gotten a chance to try multiplayer but I bet it's goofy as hell. The whole game is goofy as hell.

My legs are OK.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2023
