The gameplay is somehow worse and way more one-dimensional than the first game's, at least at a beginner's level, Witch Time is stupid OP and makes every fight into a game of "time the dodge kinda right", most of the bosses suck because the camera can't fit them in the frame so dodging their attacks is basically guesswork, and generally it feels a lot more toothless. Maybe better on a second playthrough? But it has to actually deserve one, and for me it didn't.

Presentation-wise, it's super pretty. I was shocked to see such a great looking game on Switch, and basically couldn't play handheld because of how many details there were in every single bit. It's also very colorful, which is something that Bayonetta should be and the first game wasn't. The story starts off on a good note, promising to sidestep the timey-wimey BS that ruined the first game's plot, only to plunge into it and ultimately leave me just kind of annoyed.

There's nothing wrong with Bayonetta 2, but at the same time I struggle to think of anything it did that I really loved. I used to have a very high opinion of Platinum, but after seeing them squander a lot of their more recent games, including this one in my opinion, and looking back at the flaws of the ones I actually like (Vanquish/MGR/Bayo 1), I can't help but almost think that they might have just accidentally lucked into making good games, and failed to replicate that ever since.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2023
