I enjoyed Mundaun, but compared to the essays that I seem to oh so love churning out for most games I play, it didn't leave me with much to say. This isn't an issue, I think it's good, just simple.

It's more neat than anything else, and as demeaning as that may sound I think that's my takeaway from Mundaun. It's fun, it looks cool, it portrays a unique setting, it has a decent story, nothing that blows my socks off in any specific category (except for the visuals, those are amazing) but all of it is pretty neat. And honestly, that's good enough sometimes. The little details, those are good too. How you have to brew your own coffee step by step, the janky lil truck that you can drive around, the weird shape that your lantern's light casts on everything, the journal that's all hand-drawn by the protagonist and features his sketches of basically every event, it's good stuff. It's neat.

I guess I feel compelled to mention the issues I had, combat is jank especially if you don't up your fear resistance, but luckily there isn't much of it. It's weirdly demanding on the hardware, forcing me to crank both visual settings and resolution down just to run it at a slightly shakey 30 FPS (my laptop isn't a monster but it struggles more with this than AAA games, which is pretty weird). The biggest issue is that there's like six endings and I don't really feel that fits this completely linear experience, especially since the one I got was kinda lame (dunno about the others). Kind of an anticlimactic ending especially given that the endgame was pretty long.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
