My only complaint is how gimmick-y so many of the areas are. Tomb of Giants is pitch black, Lost Izalith has headache inducing seas of lava, Crystal Cave has invisible floors, Blighttown has the series trademark swamp, yikes. The Tomb of Giants has further convinced me that playing Souls blind is not for me, I'd probably have the most miserable time in that place without knowing to bring a light source beforehand.

Some of the bosses are also too gimmick-y and even lazy. Ceaseless Discharge and Moonlight Butterfly are unexplainable to me, they just repeat the Asylum Demon three times, Capra Demon is just thrown into a narrow alleyway with two dogs to make it "difficult", and Bed of Chaos needs no more words

I'm not saying I want every boss to be like Ornstein&Smough or Artorias, that sounds pretty exhausting. But you know, Priscilla is kinda gimmick-y and it's fine, so are Seath and Gwyndolin. More of that, less of... Asylum Demon But On Fire This Time. It's also kinda funny how the DLC is locked behind the most unintuitive series of steps imaginable. FromSoft, ladies and gents.

Other than that, yeah. It's Dark Souls, you're sick of hearing about it. Should be noted, it's not my first contact with the series, I've beaten Demon's Souls before.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2021
