What a feast of a game. Four playable characters with their own distinct movement and action verbs, nearly 30 stages, a whole world map with lovely hubs where npcs update their dialogue after every story event and an entirely optional arena with minigames and unique challenges. I'm in love with this game's sonic adventure-esque maximalism, I was grinning from ear to ear in the final area when it kept dropping new gorgeously animated and creatively distinct stages in front of me to consume. This game is so confident in itself that it never felt self indulgent or akin to a slog. One stage is an all out war between enemy factions which you're free to participate in whilst the next has you barely escape hordes of enemies to assemble a mech and then proceed to destroy them like the pests they are. It boggles my mind that a game with such nuanced, satisfying and responsive controls and high volume of high quality content can be made by a small team of people whilst larger studios flounder to achieve either of those two. Playing both this and Spark the Electric Jester 3 has sort of convinced me that the Indie is the definitive future of platforming.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023
