I have now beaten every mainline Yakuza game, finally!

After the writing team came down from whatever the fuck they were smoking when they made 4, they decided to try writing a real story again, and I'm glad to say they succeeded. Shinada's part felt a bit like a standalone expansion, but the way it ties into the finale makes sense enough. Felt like they just wanted a baseball subplot tbh but it wasn't bad or anything lol

That said, I still fucking hate Yakuza bosses. The first 2 in the finale were fine, the 3rd was pretty bad and the 4th is just awful, put a sour taste on the whole finale, but whatever.

Okay seriously brief now: All 4 parts are good in their own right but some chapters exist only to waste your time and the pacing in some early ones is abysmal. Looking at the game as a whole, it is definitely good, I'll remember it fondly I think.

P.S. Haruka's parts are by far the best, no random encounters or shoddy bosses, raises the entire game's score alone.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2022


2 years ago

Haruka deserves her own side game

2 years ago

Congrats on the completion! Thinking about Judgment/Lost Judgment? I still have LAD to go...

1 year ago

@Nukillerstar I've done Judgment/Lost Judgment, wasn't huge on the first but the second I adored (for all its faults). LAD is amazing, possibly my favourite of the series being honest. Next up is the Kaito Files Expansion and then I'm done... unless I play Dead Souls or Ishin comes to the west, otherwise it'll be Fist of the North Star for the next closest thing!