After beating American Mcgee's Alice, and loving every single piece of it, I went straight to this game, mechanically speaking, it feels like a totally different game, this time not based on being a shooter game, which was a direct consequence of AMA being based around Quake's engine. This time you'll be playing a hack and slash with platforming elements (Think of something like Bayonetta, but without combos), which will be more welcoming for a lot of players, since the controls are a lot more intuitive, and they feel more polished.

The story this time introduces an Alice that has left the Asylum she was once in, but she still suffers from delusions that bring her back to her own Wonderland, and needs to find the reason that she has to return to her mental palace, which she has also forget.

In terms of visuals, even if this game was released in 2011, is in my opinion, the best looking game I have ever played, not because of the quality of the graphics itself, which are serviceable, but today's videogames have far better quality, but because of what the scenarios are made of; they're all made of surreal sceneries, landscapes full of charm that would be impossible to find in the real world, and I would love that more games would try to make that, instead of the generic boring places a lot of popular games try to go for nowadays.

Right now, by editing certain files, you can get all the DLC costumes plus American Mcgee's Alice by purchasing this game on steam, and it can be easily found on offers by less than 5 dollars, so I would recommend to everyone to purchase it when they could, because both games will bring an experience that I can't think it can be found on any other game.

Reviewed on May 03, 2023

1 Comment

Personally I felt a lot of sections of the game stayed their welcome and became pretty boring. IMO this would've been a far better game if it was around 6 hours instead of the padded 14.