Medieval fantasy is defined by heroes who defy fate and kings commanding massive armies into battle. Yes, your grace finds its roots in the total opposite. A king who feels largely unable to control the world around him. The things that matter to him are just barely slipping out of his grasp. An army that would be better described as the blokes loitering around. A kingdom of peasants and squabbling lords too poor to match any of the neighboring kingdoms.

Yes, Your Grace enjoys the mundanity of the genre nearly creating a gripping story of a family with no end to the tragedies coming their way. Some of the reviews complain about the lack of impact your choices have, but in a way that sort of fits the story. In a life that is largely out of the control of the main character all you can really do is what you think is best in the moment with what meagre means are available to you. That said I'm excited to see how the sequel fleshes out the morality and difficulty of the decisions presented to you. This first game was a fun idea decently executed and with a ton of potential.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
