It's pretty much the same game as Disgaea PC, but with higher quality sprites. If you never played D1 then you should just get this version.

As an upgrade it's disappointing, it doesn't have any QoL features the PC version didn't have or the cheats from DD2. And even as a graphic upgrade it's a bit disappointing as a fan of the original because instead of remaking the sprites for the generics that had a different design in D1 they just recycled the HD versions of their redesigns.
I don't mind TOO much in some cases like the Thief and Male Cleric since i really like their redesigns a lot more, but it sucks for classes like the Skull Mages who looked a lot cooler in D1.

In a better timeline the original designs would have gotten an update and we would be able to pick wich design we wanted to use.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

I mean... Level up healers is better here, now they level up just by healing in the most recent version.
On the PC version, it was so boring to do so.

There's probably others QoL, Idk, I picked this version recently and dropped the PC version.