The recent drama is so dumb.
I don't think the changes were needed, however they're insignificant and not even worth consider abandoning the game for.

People acting like it's the end of society.
They can express their disagreement with the changes, but this is ridiculous.
As long as you don't cover Ms. Fortune's midriff we're alright, ok devs?

Anyways the game is amazing, beautifuly animated, it plays really well and the cast and story modes are very enjoyable. Also it's cheap as fuck. Just play some Skullgirls.

RIP Soviet Announcer, the only true loss from the last update, i'll miss you (also the most understandable removal tbh)

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023


11 months ago

See, if they were so insignificant they shouldn't have touched it at all.

Honestly the more I look into this case the more it annoys me. They removed art from a $10 artbook, like selling you an artbook and the new people in charge of the company walk in your house and rip 4 pages out of your book because it's no longer acceptable for "modern audiences". Removed any reference to police brutality, and taking away intended impact from the story of a character, and well the sexualization toning down which has been mentioned enough is like what got this game to where it's at. If only you knew WHAT got this game so popular... Like no wonder people are annoyed

11 months ago

I agree with all of that and i also think nothing should have been changed or removed. The changes to the digital artbook/in-game gallery and Big Band's story mode are the worst of them and i really hope they change their mind on those at least. People have the right to be mad and complain, and like i said i agree for the most part, i just feel like they're making it a bigger deal than it actually is.

When i say insignificant i'm refering to the changes to the sprites, since that's what we look at 99% of the time. And those changes are the removal of the armbands and turning Fillia's panties black (the pantyshots are still in the game). That's it. For most people focused on the fighting game only (Aka: most of the active playerbase) it's not a big deal, even for those that like the sexyness.
The fanservice is still there, the sexy designs are still there. No other character was affected. Yet people act like Valentine was removed and everyone else was completely covered.

For me the update was:
"Wow, this changes are dumb. Wow, a lot of people are deleting the game from their librarys. But would i really stop playing this super fun game forever because of some black panties and losing an armband on two characters i don't even use? No"