I like that this is just Sonic Frontiers ReMind, especially with the way it felt like the devs went "Oh the game was too easy? Ok, how about this?". Hard mode actually lives up to it's name now and I'm here for it. Amy has her fun moments and so does Tails (skipping over entire platforming sections oh how I missed you) and Knuckles was my least favorite, they did him dirty with his glide. The delay on some of the moves for these three is weird and it's even more apparent when you're back in control of Sonic. He was my favorite part of the update, I dig the tower climbing segments. The trials themself are another story, not sure who was asking for this much combat and with all these restrictions too. There's some jank here and there but overall for a free update this was solid

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2023


8 months ago

fully agree as of just getting control of sonic and unlocking the towers. amy is insanely fun to spindash+glide with, tails has a weird windup but it's fun and feels like it offers some depth - knuckles tho... knuckles fucking sucks wtf were they cooking with him

8 months ago

@chandler I know right? Even combat wise like that's his thing! I was looking forward to fighting as him but there's no regular enemies to mess around and make full use of his kit (which is honestly pretty lacking) with, just those tanky and fast guardians