Finished Story
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: January 19, 2023
Genre: Action Adventure » General
Finished in: 13 Hours

A good sample of Indonesian story-telling video game. The progression of telling player narrative are so good. Like a fairytale in a kid's story book until they have to face a complex problem. There are so many many "inside joke" that probably can't understand if you're not Indonesian who born in the late 90s.

Beautiful pixel art set in the late 90s rural Indonesia that tells a story about overcoming anxiety, depression, and the relationship between a boy and a girl with supernatural powers. Follow two high school sweethearts, Atma and Raya, on a journey of self-discovery at the end of their high school years. When a mysteriously supernatural power is suddenly unleashed threatening their existence, they must explore and investigate their town to uncover hidden secrets, face the end of the world, and perhaps learn more about each other.

✔ Beautiful pixel art, specially a cat monster
✔ Well written story and progression
✔ Indonesian translation are so well damn! (gaul and fun)
✔ Beautiful ending, a happy one
❌ Lack of variety in fighting mechanic
Verdict: 10/10 ❤❤❤❤❤

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2023
