Gone are the days where the story of the series went from Michael Bay explosions to the now very serious Hollywood-esque story this new retelling of the series.

So, now that we've finished the first story, where do we go now? Well, surprisingly, Mexico. Reviewers here can explain the gist of the story, but I think the most interesting parts are where we completely forget the main story and just focus on the cowboys story, but it just eventually moves back to the main iraqi plot, then the withering just starts to show as it's just, we did it america! Honestly, you could just watch a cutscene compilation on youtube and get the same experience.

Does it hold up a candle against the original? Absolutely not. I do highly recommend playing the original MW2 before going into this one, as it is heavily fan-servicey when recalling past events and characters that are implemented into this new story. Not to mention that soundtrack that has you on the edge of your seat? Either gone or none-existent with this game. In fact, most of the tracks just feel like they're there to pad out the levels so you can just keep moving on with the B-movie and it feels pretty sad, as the tracks in the original trilogy had some pretty nice bangers.

Is it a must play? Probably not. Would you think you've wasted your time playing through this? Eh, that depends if you still like call of duty to begin with as a whole. I thought it was just fine, but I wouldn't see myself running through the campaign again and again as I did with the original sequel.

But Avex, what about the multiplayer?!
Ah yes, the multiplayer. As of writing this, I've clocked almost 40 hours on and off on the multiplayer, and for the most part right now, it's a toss up. This by no means is a definitive review of the multiplayer, as this can change drastically over the next couple of months, but teaming up with a couple of friends so far has been pretty fun.
Do I see myself playing this game in the long term? I'm not sure, but upgrading weapons and seeing my get higher and higher still gives me that monkey brain dopamine that tends to hit when I'm doing well, and crashes like a 747 when I'm playing like crap.

Just make sure to mute all when you're playing by yourself, as the lobbies tend to be a bit rowdy with a whole lot of naughty words.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2022
