You would think a game based around the joker and bane of all things would be a very fun experience the first time around, but my god does this game really show it's age.

I'll start with the good points of this game. The voice acting and the environments are pretty sick for a brawler centered around the batman universe. I don't do capeshit this much, so I'm just viewing it from a very casual perspective, but everything does really stand out as dreary and asylum-ey (if that's even a word). Sadly, the rest of the game is not just about looking at environments and hearing the voice actors bicker at each other back and forth.

The bad. Holy hell, the bad doesn't cut it with how utter dogshit the game is. You know, for a game called the batman and knowing how cool it is to brawl your way through tons of enemies, why does this game really like to completely stop and force you to play stealthily in certain sections where it was alright to just play however you wanted? This really hit hard when enemies start having literal hitscan rifles that track you even if you are attempting to get away, and then you have to reload that checkpoint over and over again. I'm playing on the hardest difficulty, so it maybe just that, but even after maxing out my health and armor did it still feel like I was getting aimbotted out of the sky while I was just trying to fly around and take down someone.

Another huge gripe is definitely the bosses minus a certain plant fight that happens that feels different for once. EVERY FIGHT IS JUST BAIN WITH A DIFFERENT COAT OF PAINT. EVEN THE KILLER CROC SECTION IS JUST BAIN AGAIN WITH THE FUCKING BATTERANG, And to top it off with a final fuck you to the player, the last boss fight is just another FUCKING BAIN FIGHT. These fights sucked along with the wave of enemies that you have to try to hit along with just the other Bain-alikes that just end up being a huge pain in the ass.

Overall, this game did help shape the genre of the 3rd person brawler into the mainstream, whether that is a good thing or not. I honestly thought I was going to enjoy this game as a lot of people were giving this game such high praise when it released, only to just be shown this crap. I've got a couple more of the batman games to go through, so I hope this disappointment lingers over to the other games as well.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2022
