At last, our tale of the Spielberg Medal of Honor series comes to a conclusion.

Back in 99, the thought of playing as a girl would probably make some men feel a little weird, but now that we have our samus aran's, our Joanna Dark's or our Laura Crofts, I'm very happy to say that our friend Manon here has had quite the adventure.

I won't delve into the gameplay all to much as it plays exactly like the first game, with the inclusion of the autoaim setting that you can turn on, which helps tons when running and gunning. But of course, you can't have a sequel without the hard as fuck final that this game offers as well, infinitely spawning enemies and all. Even the funny joke level was a pretty funny thing to go through, but holy hell why was it so grueling to go through. I don't think I've played a hard joke level in my life.

Not much to say about this game as it was just more of the same game. But sometimes that alright, as it tried some new things like the companionship stuff and even the replacement for the ID where everyone thought was useless, the camera. Taking shots and seeing all of the different poses each character made was pretty amusing.

I'm very glad that I got to see what the Ps1 era of MoH games were like, and I hope my enjoyment doesn't change as I move onto the next generation of consoles.

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2022
