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This is an odd one. Second in my playthrough of every Metal Gear game, it's a marked improvement on Metal Gear 1 in almost every way. The graphics, locations, ability to crawl, the story and characters, the fact that they actually somewhat improved the stupid ID card system... But idk I had way less fun with this than the first game. I sort of feel like it was a lot more obtuse in ways that made me reliant on a walkthrough rather than feeling clever. Maybe that's me having modern gamer brain. But something like having an accessible map with markers or location names would have made things so much more bearable. Idk idk, the game is still very clever in small ways that I could appreciate, but those moments are few and far between. I think the storytelling really outshines the gameplay here, which is weird to say but I think it's true. My thoughts aren't overly coherent on this one but I'm just thankful it's over with, this game took me weeks to finally push through because I was having so little fun suffering through near identical rooms and BACKTRACKING ACROSS THE ENTIRE GAME MULTIPLE TIMES.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

Just beat the game today after spending what felt like way too much time on it. I agree with pretty much everything you said and while I can appreciate all the new things added in MG2, I lowkey enjoyed the first game more as well.