V sad about this game. I love the central mechanic. I love that it's not flight but it's falling in different directions. I think the main character is neat and the controls are cool. I just don't like much else. I don't like that it's an open world with brown, sludgey environments and very little to remember. I don't like the combat (or, honestly, the fact that there is combat). I don't like the story, I don't like the mission design. Sad.
If I were redesigning this, I'd first switch up the aesthetic, but that's personal taste. I'd remove the intricacies of combat because I'd rather have no combat than bad combat, and I'd probably focus on making the world and its landmarks feel distinct and react to gravity shifts in distinct ways. But that's just me idk if I'm making sense. Either way this game did not scratch the itch I had for a fluid 3D action game with exciting vertical movement.

I stopped about halfway through, and maybe it picks up after that but my backlog is too long for me to get stuck on a game I'm not enjoying frankly. I literally didn't want to turn on my PlayStation for weeks because this was what I had to play. Fun games don't make me dread playing them lol.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2022
